Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We'll find you one way or another........

Thank for the pics Melissa!


Camille said...

ha ha ha ha..... SO funny!

David and Melissa Belnap said...

FYI... Josh is a massage therapist in Boise, and Anthony is going to school at BYU-I and farming. I also just got wind that Freddie Ramirez is opening a Hair Salon on Lomax street!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh is that Anthony?!? I had no idea... I was wondering who that man was hugging Brycen. I am so glad that these pics were posted. It is so much fun to see what everyone is doing these days!! So who is the lady sitting next to Josh Chaffee?

Rigby High School Class of 2001 said...

I think that is one of Brycen's little sisters.

Rigby High School Class of 2001 said...
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David and Melissa Belnap said...

The one getting hugged by Anthony is actually Kyle, Brycens brother!! They look alot alike now-a-days! The girl is Brycens little sister Keisha.